married couple living in different cave creek homesI read another article yesterday that was almost unbelievable. It stated that recent census reports show that more than three million couples actually live in separate residences.

The article was about a Cave Creek couple that got married and stayed in their respective homes instead of moving in together because they already had their pet peeves about each other. One was that she was a neat freak and he was a packrat. The other was the fact that he had a music studio in his place and she needed quiet to do her work at home. They actually split up the wedding gifts between the two homes and they do spend nights with each other and have dinner together. They also conveniently live across the street from each other.

I've recently read an article about quite a few famous people who live in different homes.  Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker live on each side of a duplex in New York.  Of course, it isn't always affordable to own and individually live in 2 different properties.  Some first-time homebuyers are having a hard enough time trying to save for one place.

I consider myself to be open but I don't know about this arrangement. As a Cave Creek REALTOR®, this might be a good thing. But the couple in the article already had their two residences. She owned a single-family home and he was renting a place.  So their lifestyles didn't change much.

I'm also thinking that many of those three million couples are possibly separated from each other and just haven't gone through the legal process yet. Hey, I know living together can get nerve-wracking, and sometimes I've wondered what it would be like to be happily married but live apart. But I haven't met one couple with this kind of arrangement and I figure why get married if you can't live with each other. What do you think?

You might be living together but have outgrown your current residence. If you'd like to get a more thorough idea of the current market value for your real estate please call me at 480-906-1500 or fill out the free market analysis form. I will need as many of the questions answered and feel free to fill in the Additional Comments section. This will be a sight-unseen market analysis that will give you a good idea of your home's worth. Of course, being able to view the property is best, but this is the next best way to find out what your place is worth.

Posted by Judy Orr on
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