Hypermiling How To
Posted by Judy Orr on
What is Hypermiling?
There are many definitions of hypermiling and even distinctions on who can actually claim they are a hypermiler. In easy terms, it is learning to drive in a new way to save as much gas usage as you can or to increase your MPG above the EPA as much as possible. Fuel economy (FE) is the key.
I have read that some hypermilers get better gas mileage in their gas-guzzling SUV's than the guy down the street driving a Prius normally. Hypermilers seem to be a new sub-culture with contests and hypermiler "rock stars."
With gas headed to $4.00/gallon this summer, the term hypermiling might become a household word.
You Have to Relearn How to Drive
The following are very simple hypermiling techniques:
- Drive slooooooow -…
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