The slideshow below is a quick version of some of the techniques we use to market your property.  For the full online version please click here (this version will give more detailed information for each slide).  

Our Marketing Plan - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires;

We will never ask our sellers to do something we wouldn't do to sell our own home. We've sold multiple properties ourselves.  It's not fun, especially when you live there. But we want to work with our sellers as a team to get your home sold in your time frame and at the highest price possible.

If you're thinking about selling your home please interview The Judy Orr Team.  Call us at 708-536-8200 or use our Contact Form.

Search Chicago Suburbs Homes For Sale

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Cave Creek real estate home value

Click the photo above to go to the page for your instant market value.  This isn't just for homes in Cave Creek - it will change when you click on the page.  Just put your address in.  I've tried different home value programs and have come back to this one as it gave the closest value for my own home.  This value is based on sold and closed properties, which is what an appraiser goes by.

Buyers can also use this tool for a home they're interested in to see if the home is priced correctly.  However, I create a manual CMA for my buyers so they can get the best data available.

Keep in mind, this is an instant online value based on your location and the few quick questions for you to answer.  This will give you a price range and show you area…

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