Judy Orr on Facebook

I have been on Facebook for quite some time.  My Facebook Friends range from family, actual friends (some that I've grown up with), clients, people I've attracted through Facebook advertising, and other real estate-related people such as fellow agents, loan officers, etc.  I post almost daily.

You can search for homes on my business Facebook page.  I post personal pictures of me, the pets, friends, and family.  I post about local restaurants and happenings in the Carefree, Cave Creek, Scottsdale, and surrounding areas.  I like to share local small businesses.

Then of course I post real estate-related items.  But I also include general homeowner posts and tips.  I like to mix it up.  I post links to informational resources and I include my own videos.

I also have my personal Facebook page that I post less on than I do on my business page.  Once I started my business page, it has outpaced my personal one.  Sometimes I'll share a post from my business page to my personal page.

I also have accounts on other social media sites:






I used to post regularly on Google+ but that went away.  You can really help me out if you follow any of my social media accounts (I'll follow you back).  Of course, it also helps if you press the Like button on anything that you're interested in.

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