Following is a guest post written by Jessica Kane

If you are contemplating placing your home on the market for sale in the not-too-distant future, you certainly want to make sure that your residence is in the best possible position to attract prospective buyers. With that in mind, here are six strategies you should consider implementing as part of preparing your residence for the marketplace.

Update the Tile

updated scottsdale home bathroomAn important factor that you need to bear in mind is that bathrooms are key focal points for people who are looking to buy a home. Therefore, when it comes to preparing your home for sale, you do need to pay particular attention to your bathrooms.

If you are like many homeowners, your bathrooms may be in need of a facelift. Specifically, the tile in your bathrooms may be outdated and not particularly appealing in their appearance.

Replacing bathroom tile can prove to be a costly endeavor in some cases. You may not desire or have the funds to replace the bathroom tile. Replacement is not your only option when it comes to enhancing the look of your bathroom by dealing with outdated tile.

An alternative to bathroom tile replacement is painting it. The process of painting bathroom tile for a new, attractive look is neither an expensive nor time-consuming process.

The first step is to apply a high-adhesion primer. The next step is to brush on a specialized ceramic epoxy coating. In what really is a flash, and without breaking the bank, your bathroom or bathrooms will have a brand new look.

Change the Sinks

new kitchen sink in the kitchen of a scottsdale home for sale

If you are faced with a small bathroom in your home, which comes complete with a bulky countertop sink with associated cabinets underneath, consider a replacement. Specifically, consider installing a pedestal sink in your smaller bathroom. This change gives the bathroom a more open and even larger feel. In addition, a pedestal sink can come in a sleek style, which adds a level of vibrancy to the space.

Enhance the Master Bedroom

Oddly, many people who want to put their homes on the market for sale tend to their master bedrooms as something of an afterthought. While it is true that bathrooms and the kitchen oftentimes are primary areas of focus for a prospective buyer, other spaces in a residence cannot be overlooked.

The key to getting a master bedroom ready for the market is to ensure that it is staged in such a way as to appeal to people of bothcozy bedroom in a scottsdale home for sale genders. Indeed, the best strategy to prepare a master bedroom for the marketplace is to make the space as gender-neutral as possible.

The process of preparing the master bedroom for a house sale can begin easily with fresh paint. By painting the walls in a neutral hue, and selecting bedding and related items that match the wall color selection, the master bedroom will be appealing to a broader number of people and will convey a sense of gender neutrality.

You can add splashes of color without breaking a commitment to broad appeal and gender neutrality. For example, you can accent the bed with throw pillows that feature more vibrant color schemes.

Tone Down the Fireplace

painted fireplace in a scottsdale homeA good percentage of people like the idea of having a fireplace in their homes. The problem is that in many residences built before the 1990s, fireplaces in homes can be fairly described as overpowering. Some might even suggest that the fireplaces in more than a few residences "stick out like a sore thumb."

The bottom line for most people is that they desire a fireplace in their homes as a means of accenting their residences as opposed to becoming the focal point for a room. One of the easiest ways of reigning in the power of a fireplace, particularly a red brick one, is to paint the brick.

Many people deal with attention-grabbing red brick fireplaces by whitewashing them. Another option to consider is to paint the bricks of a fireplace the same color as the walls. This establishes a sense of visual continuity which puts a fireplace into harmony with the room.

Kitchen Cabinets

A quick fix to enhance the appearance of a kitchen is to update the cabinets. As mentioned previously, the kitchen is a primary focalremodeled kitchen in a scottsdale home for sale point for buyers in the market for a home.

Replacing cabinets does work to change and improve the overall appearance of a kitchen. Replacing cabinets can prove to be a costly endeavor. Indeed, you may spend more on replacing cabinets that you recoup through an increase in the property value of your residence.

Another strategy you can employ is to re-stain or re-paint your kitchen cabinets. This is a far more cost-effective solution to improve the look of your kitchen as part of an overall strategy to get your residence market-ready.

Stage with Silver

You want to ensure that your residence is properly staged for people who come to open houses and for other showings. When staging, you want to eliminate clutter. You want to make sure the selected accents you set about your residence appeal to a broad range of prospective buyers.

The use of silver items of different types, strategically placed throughout your home can serve this purpose. These items can include everything from silver bowls to silver candlestick holders to similar items crafted from this appealing metal.

By applying these strategies, you will enhance the overall appearance of your residence for sale. You will even be able to increase the property value of your home.

Posted by Judy Orr on
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